The Moon and Taking Time for Yourself

When the moon shines brightly on a clear night, it captivates and entrances us, bringing people to a complete standstill. You can easily find articles explaining the meaning of the New Moon in Aries or the Full Moon in Libra. Its beauty inspires poetry, metaphors and symbolism. The meanings we attribute to the moon can be woven into our own stories of success, recovery, growth and hope. With this fascination, I wondered how I could hold space for myself by using the moon's phases.

While I listened to the descriptions of people talking about preparing for the New Moon and what it meant for them, there was a sense of excitement, anticipation, something to look forward to that I'd been struggling to feel for a while. Now there's a lot of variety in how to celebrate the moon phases, and I wasn't necessarily seeking a path to follow. What I was searching for was a way to boost my spirits and give myself something to look forward to.

The Phases of the Moon

Some people use the New Moon and the Full Moon as their main focus. Others use 4; the New Moon, the 1st Quarter, the Full Moon and the 3rd Quarter. I chose 8 because it has more points to check in. The following list is the set of associations I work with, but others have a different list.

  1. New Moon- is generally about beginnings, starting something fresh for yourself. This could be a month-long goal, or maybe developing a new habit or starting a new chapter.

  2. Crescent Moon- putting plans into motion, clarifying the vision. Essentially, how is that new moon energy applied during this cycle?

  3. First Quarter- I see this as a major check in point, what has been done so far and are you heading in the right direction. Do you need guidance? A boost?

  4. Gibbous Moon- reviewing the notes from the previous phases to refine the plan and ask for help,

  5. Full Moon- Others cite this as a celebration point, but for me this is a time for big energy, the final push to get to the end point.

  6. Disseminating Moon- Here's where I celebrate. We're heading towards the next new moon here. Celebrating what you've accomplished, appreciating what you've learned, gratitude.

  7. Last Quarter- Take notes of what you've learned this cycle, any final adjustments, reflection.

  8. Balsamic Moon- Resting before the next new moon. Being kind to yourself, replenishing your reserves.

@craftingwitch on Instagram, an infographic with the different correspondences for the phases of the moon

Sometimes I overlap this with zodiac signs for themes or inspiration for creating for yourself. Using it helped me figure out what I want outside of "productivity". The approach here is "How do you want to spend 10, 30 minutes or an hour of your time on this day for yourself?" The New Moon could be in Aries which is often associated with starting up a project. The new project could be trying this new thing called taking a nap.

What to do During the Different Phases of the Moon

While this time could be reserved for lighting candles or casting a circle, you have a lot of options. It could also be organizing your calendar and double checking if you overbooked yourself. It could be treating yourself on a nice day or spending that time reading that book on your reading list for two years. It could also very well be taking a nap. There are a lot of ways to show up for yourself.

For this past New Moon in Aries, I dyed the pages of my grimoire. With the power of alcohol ink, florida water and determination, I made a tangible, personal piece of art that helps me stay motivated.

@strangeandsavage Would you do this for your grimoire or book of shadows? I'm happy I got to make this. It was a relaxing (albeit haphazard 😅) process. 🖤💀🖤 #witchtok #grimoire #notebooks #notebooktherapy #newmoonritual #newmoonmagic #witchtips ♬ original sound - Strange and Savage

I see the timing of the phases of the moon as an invitation to be a bit nicer to ourselves. This is in a world that tells us we should always be doing something productive, producing something for other people to marvel at. Holding space for yourself is a wonder, pouring love into yourself is joy you deserve. If it's been a challenge to do that, I hope this gives you a different approach.

Until next time,



General Spell Outline