General Spell Outline

I created a spell outline that was more focused on self-empowerment than anything else. Spells look a lot like goal setting with a different format for focusing on intention. I find it helpful for creating space for yourself to sit with what you want, what your heart wants and recognizing your own personal power. For me, magic rests in the stories we tell ourselves and how we integrate all the aspects of who we are. Spellwork then becomes an opportunity to get all your stuff together and turn it into a stepping stone to get to what you want in your life.

This is a general outline for the different sections of crafting your spell. The finer details of what it means for you to show up to this moment can vary.

Themes: Prosperity, love, healing, these are general categories that can be helpful for organizing your grimoire and the associations between colors, tarot cards, particular blends of teas, etc. From zodiac signs to colors to deities, there’s a range of possibilities to work with. It’s also possible to have a different template for how you work within a specific theme.

Outcome: This is a clear desired outcome from working the spell. The clearer the better so you know what your energy is going towards. Sometimes I use the 369, Desire -> Intention -> Outcome because it provides insight between what you felt and what you manifested. (Manifested being what you put your time, energy, attention towards.) This might be where my spell outline looks more like spicy goal setting because it’s focused on what you can realistically control.

Setting Up the Space: This might be working with your altar or creating a circle. If this is a step you follow, it’s about creating a dedicated space either physically or mentally for doing this working where you can be uninterrupted. For some this can be cleansing the space or creating a boundary between the energy you want to work with and the energy you don’t. I’m of a different philosophy where whatever wandered in here is about to be put to work because it’s about me right now.

Raising Energy: This is the first half or so of focusing on what it means for you to achieve the outcome you created from the earlier step. This can be imaging the steps it would take to get there or working backwards from the outcome. It could be reflecting on how important this is to you. This step could be sitting quietly, saying it out loud to yourself, writing it down, but the point is you’re thinking about your relationship to the outcome you said you wanted.

In case you struggle with this part (or the change or releasing energy steps), that doesn’t mean you’re weak or bad at this. Maybe something comes up that you realize you’re stuck on or it’s a sign that the outcome could use some clarifying. Every moment is an opportunity to learn from yourself. It’s better to stop and refocus (or take a break) than to throw all your energy behind something you’re unsure of.

Change: When you came to this space you were seeking something, calling upon something for energy or guidance. This next step is the vibe of going from asking if you could be that witch to knowing you can be that witch. You’ll know you’re there when you can hold this thought clearly in your mind. It’s resonating throughout your being and you’re feeling confident in the steps you want to take forward. It’s knowing you have the capability to make that outcome real. 

Releasing the Energy: Now that manifestation has begun, let's see it come to life. I think of this as bringing the good vibes you just raised from imagining a successful outcome back to your current self in the present. This is time for grounding and letting the energy settle so you can get to work.

Closing the Space: If you did open the space, closing it can help bring a sense of completion. This can include cleaning items that you worked with, putting things away, resetting the altar or the space. Expressing gratitude to ancestors, deities, and/or other beings you called upon and leaving an offering.

Photo by Kate Laine on Unsplash

If you’ve been looking for a breakdown of the sections of spell crafting I hope this helps give you a new way to approach your craft.

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