Project CC #1

Working on summarizing the associations between the [Planet x Sign] x [Planet x Sign]. Starting with Moon Conjunct Sun.

I didn’t know this aspect lined up with the New Moon. The New Moon is generally associated with new beginnings, setting intentions. It tends to happen towards the middle of the month. That timing makes me wonder about the overlap of the other cycles that a person could be engaging in. Taxes (in America) are due in the middle of April, lining up with (Moon in Taurus conjunct Sun in Taurus). Taurus is associated with beauty, comfort, possibly, depending on your associations, spoiling yourself. Would following this encourage a person to make different financial choices to match the aspect? Could it push a person to feel ashamed if they didn’t match their ideal of how this transit is supposed to look for them?

That would ultimately depend on the significance attributed to the symbolism. For this example, a difficult time could be interpreted as falling out of favor or alignment with the Universe or some other higher power. Or it could be seen as a gentle reminder to enjoy what you have, separate from the relationship to higher powers.

For me right now there’s no substantial faith attached to these things. It’s a project exploring symbolism not the template to a belief system. I don’t even know how to word my thoughts on that yet. Like how does one articulate pouring the most fragile part of themselves into an intangible vessel that may or may not be their undoing?

I imagine it’ll get faster to create the summaries as time goes on. Getting better at recognize what themes match the aspects.

There’s a rhythm that reveals itself looking at them in groups, like all the possible variations of Moon Conjunct Sun for example. This aspect specifically lines up with the New Moon. Looking at each regularly occurring cycle brings a sort of comfort.

It is a little overwhelming as there are so many of them. I don’t know really if my life will be better for doing this. I don’t think I will have cracked some code, but made this bundle of symbolism more convenient for people to interact with. That makes me happy. These symbols mean a lot to people (albeit some of that meaning is building an audience on social media), but I think it resolves the uncertainty problem for most people. There’s a lot of power in being able to pick a moment like one of the aspects and what that means to you. It’s a date and time that will occur somewhere in the future and there’s a variety of ways to show up, to incorporate it into your life.

Mental health wise, while working on Project CC it’s given me space to confront the meanie voices in my head. They used to be a lot louder. On a loop everytime I started to work on this. But working through it in spite of the negative thoughts I guess has been a brute force kind of way of processing it. I care less now about the value other people would see in this and am enjoying the journey it’s taking me on. So much work has gone into this already, so many revisions and complete do overs. At some point I wanted to believe that the value would come at the end of it, all that work would eventually mean something. But now, finding yet another way to approach it, another way to work with it, I’m okay with it only having meaning for me. That’s somehow a comforting feeling.

It’s also given me a way to measure my own comfort with being perceived. Which is its own ridiculous story all by itself, but features here in a small way. At the beginning of this the idea of telling anyone about Project CC freaked me out. I was kind of embarrassed about it, that it would start the whole tirade of either being demonized or called crazy or stupid. Once I figured out the structure for it, I wasn’t sure how to start sharing it with other people but it didn’t seem so impossible an idea then. To be fair, I’m still not sure. But right now, as I start another wave of revisions, I like it so much it seems silly not to share it. What if there’s something useful in here that will help someone do more than if it didn’t exist? What if it’s applicable to so many other things and the format itself is useful?


Strange’s Log #47


Dear Wanderer #37