New Year Tarot Reading Sample

Hello and welcome to a sample of the New Year Tarot Card Reading. This is help serve as a guide if you choose to do this reading for yourself or as an example of the interpretations you would get in my reading for you. (Click here if you’d like me to perform the reading for you.)

In the video on Tiktok, click here to view the video , I showed an example with 12 decks, but you can certainly do this reading with one. Separate the Major Arcana and draw one card for each overall theme of the quarter. Between each draw, replace the card in the Major Arcana and shuffle. When all 4 cards are drawn, shuffle the Major and Minor Arcana together and draw 3 cards for supporting cards. These cards help to elaborate on the overall theme.

(If you’re performing a comprehensive reading that includes the 12 months, you would draw for the quarters first, and then for each of 12 months. One overall theme from the Major Arcana, and 3 supporting cards from both the Major and Minor Arcana.)

In this example I’m just drawing cards for the quarters here. In the full write up, I include general descriptions of each of the cards and questions people can include in their goal setting or planners.

1st Quarter- Strength
Supporting Cards- 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords, 6 of Cups

*Two 6's could be directing your attention to small conflicts in significant relationships, possibly little things getting on your nerves.

1st Interpretation

One possible interpretation here is that the Queen of Swords comes bearing a message that it's time to move forward with your life. Between the two 6's, there could be a fond memory of happier time but clinging to that past is holding you back now. Altogether the cards read as clinging to your glory days. There's a way to apply the skills and talents you were known for in the past to your future. But it would mean accepting that the past is in fact the past.

2nd Interpretation

Another way to look at these cards together is being realistic about your strengths. Being a big fish in a small pond is one thing, but avoiding potentially being challenged by a bigger fish will leave your skills untested and stagnant. Maybe it's in seeing other people excel in ways you haven't discovered for yourself that's getting under your skin. Maybe you've gotten a little too comfortable in your comfort zone and any nudge to go outside of it is getting to you. Stagnancy can create a false comfort, but discovering your strengths truly will help you to create real stability.

2nd quarter- Judgement

Supporting Cards- Temperance, 3 of Wands, Queen of Wands

1st Interpretation

One possible interpretation here is the Queen of Wands represents the end goal here, you becoming more confident and self-assured. But it's possible the path to get there is unclear. With Judgement as the overall theme, this could suggest taking a look at what changes you're going to have to make in order to become that version of yourself. Temperance cautions that it's not going to happen overnight and to be patient with yourself. You're in the process of becoming who you want to be and it is in fact a process. The 3 of Wands suggests that the goal is there and now a plan must be put into motion.

2nd Interpretation

Another interpretation of these cards is seeing the Queen of Wands as an external force or mentor in your life. It might be someone who you can learn from to be more confident and enthusiastic. The 3 of wands and Temperance could be a suggestion to move forward with a plan you feel confident with while being patient with yourself in developing that confidence. Judgement suggests that it should be a plan that you know is realistic for you.

3rd Quarter - The Moon

Supporting Cards- Ace of Cups, Seven of Swords, The Devil

1st Interpretation

One interpretation is that you have to spend some time figuring out what's driving your desires at this time. There are things that make you feel good that might not be the most productive or wisest choices, and you might be prioritizing that good feeling above more reasonable or practical options. It's possible that these indulgences offer an escape, but the cost it has on your life will eventually catch up to you. This might be a time of significant of self-reflection.

2nd Interpretation

Another interpretation is that you want a fresh start but you're not sure where to begin or how to make it happen. Your current approach could be waiting for this new chapter to find you as opposed to actively working on and pursuing them. This could be creating a trap for you, leaving you to act on instinct with no clear direction, guided by whatever makes you feel good in the moment. Resolving this would call for self-reflection making sure to be clear about what you want.

4th Quarter- The Hierophant

Supporting Cards- 10 of wands, 5 of Cups, 9 of swords

1st Interpretation

The supporting cards suggest that the Hierophant represents your patterns and following your own traditions. The Hierophant also hints at conforming to other people's expectations or standards. The patterns of your past are verging on repeating again, and this could be making you anxious. While being trapped in the past is one set of worries, there's also being afraid of what could be. No isn't a bad word. Taking time to consider things thoughtfully isn't a crime.

2nd Interpretation

Another possible interpretation here is that you need to establish structure in your life in a way that prioritizes you and is realistic for the long term. The supporting cards caution against taking on too much responsibility. Burnout might have been a major factor in your past. The 9 of Swords suggests there's a fear of not being perfect or living up to past glory (when taking the whole reading into consideration). Being present in what's actually happening and receptive to opportunities to learn not just from your mistakes but about yourself will help you to accomplish a lot.

General Summary:

Overall, this reading suggests the year ahead could be one of coming to terms with the past being the past, creating a new structure in your life, and learning about yourself is a significant way. The four overall themes: Strength, Judgement, the Moon, and the Hierophant; suggests taking the opportunity to discover more about yourself and carefully considering what you really want. The way the Minor Arcana is featured here with the Swords, Wands, and Cups, but missing the Pentacles suggests channeling your creative energy and what you loved about your past into moving forward through the year in practical and focused way.

I hope this example helps to give you a guide for how to perform this reading. I’m also available to draw cards for you, if you would like. (Custom readings are available upon request.) Please take a second to check out our wares in the store, and have a wonderful new year.


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